to my penultimate Presidential letter! Where has the time gone? It’s been another busy month representing the
IRRV. You may recall that when I left you last month I was preparing to head
off to the East Anglian AGM. Well, I’m pleased to announce that the sun shone
in Norfolk at Peter Beales Roses where the Chief Executive and I were treated
to yet more marvellous hospitality.
Unfortunately David then had to leave but I
stayed on for the tour of the grounds and gardens and even survived the demonstration.
It’s probably just as well David had gone as the gentleman providing the
demonstration of all things rose related became very enthusiastic about the
quality of his secateurs which promptly flew from his hand and skimmed my leg, much
to the horror of Chairman, Adrian Mills and other Exec members. Imagine being
known as the Association who maimed the President! Hopefully I managed to allay
their fears and calls for First Aid were turned away as unnecessary but it did
provide a little humour for the afternoon as we teased the gardener especially
when he threatened to show us how to prune roses with an electric hedge
trimmer……I maintained a safe distance.

As I say, I couldn’t really
comment on the quality of the golf but I must say that there seemed to be a
healthy rivalry with regard to golfing attire, with many teams going all out
and purchasing bespoke shirts emblazoned with their team and, in some cases,
individual member’s details! Being an Exec member of the London and Home Counties Association, I have to say I am a little biased in favour of their emerald green outfits.

quick trip to the Council House in Birmingham the following Monday saw the
Chief Executive and I represent the IRRV at the CIPFA President’s dinner. Keen
followers of these tomes will note that there were no unforeseen trips and the
weather had significantly improved since my last visit to the City. Unfortunately,
CIPFA and IRRV Council member Mr Richard Harbord had to change his plans at the
last minute and wasn’t able to join us for the dinner. However, we did manage
to meet him briefly for a coffee at a local hostelry. It was one of those
venues where you have to ask to use the facilities, which he wisely did prior
to boarding his train home. Having been escorted to the door, which the young
waitress duly opened using the key code, time ticked by while the Chief Exec
and I waited for his return. And it ticked by. And it ticked by……….. then I
suddenly realised that there was rather a lot of banging coming from the toilet.
It transpired that Mr Harbord was in fact “trapped” inside. Even with the
assistance of the waitress, it took a few attempts to rescue him. Sadly, he had
tried to call the Chief Exec for assistance but his phone was on silent and
went to voicemail. Suffice to say Mr Harbord was less than impressed.
glad to say that no such issues were encountered at the next event, the Wessex
Association’s AGM and min-conference which took place in the beautiful city of
Winchester where we welcomed in new President Terri Horner. I’m ashamed to say,
Winchester wasn’t somewhere I had ventured previously but somewhere I certainly
intend to return to. While it’s been a pleasure to attend all the AGM’s it was
a privilege to be able to present a certificate in recognition of Long Service
to Exec member Stuart Dawson. I couldn’t possibly describe his achievements as
eloquently as Ray Hatchard did but hope the picture give you a flavour!
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